Call for Contributions
Advancements in science and technology have, to a considerable extent, enhanced the quality of life, and have made possible easy access to resources of all kinds. However, a sustainable future seems a long way off. Climate change, energy crises, socio-economic turbulence and political strife are overriding problems faced by the Blue Planet today. Therefore, directing innovation towards equipping humanity to handle the imminent consequences of these issues, is the need of the hour. Researching pathways towards a long-term sustainable, ethically acceptable human settlement on Moon or Mars has significant impact on future activities and serves for knowledge transfer regarding terrestrial challenges.
The objective of this workshop is to bring together a multi-disciplinary group of experts to explore how heterogeneous teams consisting of humans, embedded AI and robots (multi-agent systems), can work together for a sustainable, and ethically compatible extraterrestrial settlement. The MASS workshop will introduce this topic to the scientific community, discuss the challenges faced therein and find possible approaches driving research towards achieving this goal.
A sustainable, intelligent settlement is envisioned as an artificial ecosystem for multi-agent systems. Collaborative work between individuals of each kind is required to form resource-cycles with minimal loss to reduce the required input from planetary sources. The design and cooperative operation of different variations of multi-agent systems in a shared environment within the described setup are the core questions to be discussed within the MASS workshop. Strategies for multi-agent systems can tackle fields like planning, exploration, human-machine interaction and appear to particularly benefit from approaches in the field of machine learning, as well as the application of artificial intelligence in general.
The organizers of this workshop are aware that there can be many more research-fields that fit into the framework of the MASS workshop, so well-founded proposals are always welcomed.
If your paper gets accepted, please notice that at least one author must be available to present it at the IJCAI23 MASS Workshop in person. Multiple submissions of the same paper to more IJCAI workshops are forbidden.
Topics of Interest (non-exhaustive)
- Multi-robot and swarm exploration strategies with situational awareness
- Distributed intelligence
- Individual and collective knowledge-representation
- Prediction-evaluation models for multi-agent mission planning
- Human Artificial Agent interaction
- Dynamic reconfiguration in Artificial Agent teams
- Human Artificial Agent shared habitats: socio-psychological implications
- AI-powered innovation towards sustainability
- Robotics and AI for humanitarian applications [AI for Good]
- Human-machine interaction in extraterrestrial environments
- Mission planning for heterogeneous multi-robot-teams
Important Dates
- Abstract submission deadline:
May 7, 2023, extended till May 24, 2023, anywhere - Paper notification:
June 5, 2023 - Workshop:
August 20, 2023 in Macao, S.A.Rcancelled
Submission Guidelines
Any changes to a submission can be made up till the deadline and sent as a resubmission to the MASS workshop. The most recent version is then taken for review.
Submissions must be written in English and handed in as a PDF to with [MASS] in the subject.
Review process
Submissions exceeding one page will be rejected without review. All paper abstracts will be double-blind reviewed.
Questions & Contact
Our tentative program schedule:
09:00-09:30 Registration
09:30-09:45 Welcome Speech by the workshop chair
09:45-10:10 Keynote I
10:10-10:35 Keynote II
10:35-10:55 Selected Paper #1
10:55-11:15 Selected Paper #2
11:15-11:30 Coffee Break: Get-together and networking
11:30-11:50 Selected Paper #3
11:50-12:10 Selected Paper #4
12:10-12:30 Selected Paper #5
12:30-14:00 Lunch: Get-together and networking
14:00-14:25 Keynote III
14:25-14:50 Keynote IV
14:50-15:10 Selected Paper #6
15:10-15:30 Selected Paper #7
15:30-15:45 Coffee Break: Get-together and networking
15:45-16:05 Selected Paper #8
16:05-16:15 Introduction of Panelmembers
16:15-16:55 Panel Discussion
16:55-17:00 Conclusion and closing by session chair
17:00-18:00 Networking reception
Details are added soon.

Support Staff

Organizing Institution(s)